K8s - Deployment Parameters


In this post, we will discuss some of the deployment attributes. 

RollingUpdate: New pods are added gradually, and old pods are terminated gradually.

Recreate: All old pods are terminated before any new pods are added.

In most cases, RollingUpdate is the preferable update strategy for Deployments - No Downtime.

If the deployment as 10 replicas and with maxSurge as 2 and maxUnavailable as 2.

Then during the deployment.

At most,  12 pods (10 + 2 maxSurge pods) will be ready during the update.

At least 8 pods ( 10 - 2 maxUnavailable pods) will be ready during the update.

maxSurge is the maximum number of new pods that will be created at a time.

maxUnavailable is the maximum number of old pods that will be deleted at a time.

minReadySeconds is the bootup time of your application, Kubernetes waits specific time tili the next pod creation.

This is my current deployment.

Updating the deployment.

12 pods created as a result of maxSurge.

As a result of minReadySeconds the difference between the batch is 5 mins (300 sec) 


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