Kubernetes Topics


1) Introduction to Docker Containers.

2) Installation of K8s Cluster.

3) Lifecycle of Pod.

4) Deployment and strategies.

5) Cluster Upgrade and worker node management.

6) Labels and Selectors.

7) K8s Service Management.

8) Priority and Preemptions.

9) Network Policies.

10) Volumes.

11) Secrets and ConfigMaps.

12) Horizontal Pod Autoscaling.

13) Namespace and Contexts.

14) Metric Server Configuration.

15) Cluster Access and Role Binding.

16) Web UI Setup.

17) Drain/Taint Nodes.

18) Jobs and Cron.

19) Init and Sidecar containers.

20) ETC Management.

21) Pod Resource Management.

22) Kubernetes Liveness and Readiness Probes.

23) Ingrees controllers.


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