Kubernetes Syllabus


1) Introduction to Orchestration.

2) Installation of K8s with docker engine.

3) Overview of dockers and containers.

4) Pods, Deployments, Services, Batches, Cron, Daemon set etc.

5) Horizontal Pod Autoscaling and Metric Server.

6) Replication Sets.

7) Service configuration.

8) Tenants and Contexts.

9) User and Role Management.

10) ETCD.

11) Kubernetes Volumes.

12) Readiness and Liveness Probes.

13) Namespace and Quotas.

14) Pod resource configuration.

15) Pod Tolerations, Priorities.

16) Taint and Draining of nodes.

17) Application Deployment Strategies.

18) Secrets and Config Maps.

19) Network Policies.

20) Init and Sidecar containers.

21) Integration of K8s in CI/CD pipeline*

22) Headless service.

23) Admission Controllers.

24) Secret Encryption.

25) Cron and Batch jobs. 

26) Interview Q&A.


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