***AWS Load Balancer interview Question*** 1. What are the different types of Load Balancers provided by AWS? Classical Load Balancer - Deprecated. Application Load Balancer. Network Load Balancer. 2. When would you choose ALB over NLB or CLB? ALB - Primarily works in the Application Layer. Supports HTTP layer customization like path based forwarding, Host header, HTTP request method, Source IP based routing. NLB - Operates at Networking layer. Provide much better performance compared to ALB. NLB's target group can be an ALB. 3. How does path-based routing work in an Application Load Balancer? Path based routing allows to route traffic based on the request path. E.g., If your domain name is, we can configure path based routing like /welcome /signin Path based traffic can be routed to a "Target Group", "Redirect to URL", "Return Fixed Response". 4. How does AWS Auto Scaling integrate with Elastic Load Ba...