Kubernetes Multi Master Cluster
Post shows how to setup multi master cluster. I setup this using 4 VM's on Ubuntu 20.04. etcd — A highly available key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery. kube-apiserver — Provides the API for Kubernetes orchestration. kube-controller-manager — Enforces Kubernetes services. kube-scheduler — Schedules containers on hosts. kubelet — Processes a container manifest so the containers are launched according to how they are described. kube-proxy — Provides network proxy services. 2 X Master nodes [,] 1 X HAProxy node [] 1 X Worker node [] Update /etc/hosts as below across all the nodes. master1 master2 haproxy worker1 Lets start with HAProxy setup: We need to deploy an HAPRoxy load balancer in front of them to distribute the traffic. 1) Update and Upgrade. # apt-get update and # apt-get upgrade across all the nodes. 2) Install HAP...